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 Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb

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مدير المنتدى

عدد الرسائل : 149
العمر : 37
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/10/2007

Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb   Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb Icon_minitimeالأربعاء أكتوبر 17, 2007 12:31 am

Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb Untitled1pp9

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, Pop Musician
Born: 29 August 1958
Birthplace: Gary, Indiana
Best Known As: The Thriller recording star who rebuilt his face
Michael Jackson has been a singing superstar since he was 11 years old, when he had four consecutive #1 hits with his youthful band of brothers, The Jackson Five. He had several more hit singles performing on his own throughout most of the 1970s, and after 1982's Thriller, an album that yielded seven top ten hits, Jackson was dubbed "The King of Pop." His next album, Bad, topped the charts in 1987 as Jackson became one of the early stars of MTV and an international hitmaker. Then his eccentric lifestyle began to overwhelm his recording career, and Jackson became a favorite of the gossip sheets. In 1994 he married Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis (a.k.a. "The King"), but they divorced in 1996. Also notorious were Jackson's long series of cosmetic surgeries, rumors of exotic pets and superstar peccadilloes at Jackson's estate (which he dubbed "Neverland", a reference to the story of Peter Pan), followed by another brief marriage and multiple accusations of inappropriate conduct with children. In 2005 he was tried on charges of child molestation and conspiracy related to his relationship with a 13-year-old boy. On 13 June 2005 Jackson was acquitted on all charges.

His sister, Janet Jackson, is a pop singer who in the 1980s became a superstar... Michael Jackson did not buy the bones of the Elephant Man, despite rumors to the contrary... The name of Jackson's famous pet chimp is Bubbles... Jackson is no relation to the British food and liquor expert Michael Jackson.

All the covers are here

Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb Coverir8

Got to be there - 1971

1 | Ain't No Sunshine
2 | I Wanna Be Where You Are
3 | Girl Don't Take Your Love From Me
4 | In Our Small Way
5 | Got To Be There
6 | Rockin' Robin
7 | Wings Of My Love
8 | Maria (You Were The Only One)
9 | Love Is Here And Now You're Gone



Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb Coverub3

Ben - 1972

1 | BEN
2 | Greatest Show On Earth
3 | People Make The World Go 'Round
4 | We've Got A Good Thing Going
5 | Everybody's Somebody's Fool
6 | My Girl
7 | What Goes Around Comes Around
8 | In Our Small Way
9 | Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day
10 | You Can Cry On My Shoulder


Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb Coverlz2

Music & me - 1973

01 | With a child's heart
02 | Up again
03 | All the things you are
04 | Happy
05 | Too young
06 | Doggin' around
07 | Johnny Raven
08 | Euphoria
09 | Morning glow
10 | Music and me



Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb Coveriy8

Forever - 1975

01 | Michael Jackson
02 | Take me back
03 | One day in your life
04 | Cinderella stay awhile
05 | We've got forever
06 | Just a little bit of you
07 | You are there
08 | Dapper | Dan
09 | Dear Michael
10 | I'll come home to you



Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb 0652avp7

Off The wall - 1979

1 | Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough
2 | Rock With You
3 | Working Day And Night
4 | Get On The Floor
5 | Off The Wall
6 | Girlfriend
7 | She's Out Of My Life
8 | I Can't Help It
9 | It's The Falling In Love
10 | Burn This Disco Out



Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb X3052ajf5

Thriller - 1982

1 | Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
2 | Baby Be Mine
3 | The Girl Is Mine
4 | Thriller
5 | Beat It
6 | Billy Jean
7 | Human Nature
8 | P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
9 | The Lady In My Life



Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb X3049ann4

BAD - 1987

01 | Bad
02 | The way you make me feel
03 | Speed Demon
04 | Liberian girl
05 | Just good friends
06 | Another part of me
07 | Man in the mirror
08 | I just can't stop loving you
09 | Dirty Diana
10 | Smooth criminal
11 | Leave me alone

Part 1

Part 2

Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb B00005QGAV.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V36353178_

Dangerous - 1991

1 | Jam
2 | Why You Wanna Trip On Me
3 | In The Closet
4 | She Drives Me Wild
5 | Remember The Time
6 | Can't Let Her Get Away
7 | Heal The World
8 | Black Or White
9 | Who Is It
10 | Give In To Me
11 | Will You Be There
12 | Keep The Faith
13 | Gone Too Soon
14 | Dangerous

Part 1

Part 2

Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb B0ef124128a000dcb2eda010.L

HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I - 1995

Disc: 1

1 | Billie Jean
2 | The Way You Make Me Feel
3 | Black Or White
4 | Rock With You
5 | She's Out Of My Life
6 | Bad
7 | I Just Can't Stop Loving You
8 | Man In The Mirror
9 | Thriller
10 | Beat It
11 | The Girl Is Mine
12 | Remember The Time
13 | Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
14 | Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
15 | Heal The World

Part 1

Part 2

Disc: 2

1 | Scream
2 | They Don't Care About Us
3 | Stranger In Moscow
4 | This Time Around
5 | Earth Song
6 | D |S |
7 | Money
8 | Come Together
9 | You Are Not Alone
10 | Childhood (Theme From 'Free Willy 2')
11 | Tabloid Junkie
12 | 2 Bad
13 | History
14 | Little Susie
15 | Smile

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb 40a5820dd7a065ff0a2ed010.L

Blood On The Dance Floor: HIStory In The Mix - 1997

1 | Blood On The Dance Floor
2 | Morphine
3 | Superfly Sister
4 | Ghosts
5 | Is It Scary
6 | Scream Louder (Flyte Tyme Remix)
7 | Money (Fire Island Radio Edit)
8 | 2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix)
9 | Stranger In Moscow (Tee's In-House Club Mix)
10 | This Time Around (D |M | Radio Mix)
11 | Earth Song (Hani's Club Experience)
12 | You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix)
13 | HIStory (Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson)

Part 1

Part 2

Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb B00005Q4JH.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V38225939_

Invincible - 2001

1 | Unbreakable
2 | Heartbreaker
3 | Invincible
4 | Break Of Dawn
5 | Heaven Can Wait
6 | You Rock My World
7 | Butterflies
8 | Speechless
9 | 2000 Watts
10 | You Are My Life
11 | Privacy
12 | Don't Walk Away
13 | Cry
14 | The Lost Children
15 | Whatever Happens
16 | Threatened

Part 1

Part 2
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Michael Jackson - Discography [11 Albums], [320 & 192 kb
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